Lecture Files and Presentations

Dr. Jayjock is often invited to present lectures at local universities within the Philadelphia area on topics relavent to exposure and risk assessment.   He has also published and contributed to professional seminars in these area.   Some of the files from recent presentations are presented below along with some of his recent publications.

Offer of Professional Mentoring in Modeling

Offer of Educational and Training Services
An offer of individual education and mentoring to identified individuals on general topics or on specific chemical Risk Assessment projects of the client’s choosing.
Mentoring Service Perspectus.doc
Microsoft Word document [27.5 KB]

Paper on Interzonal Air Exchange Rates in US Residences

Paper on Residential (between room) Inter-zonal Ventilation Rates
Paper showing the difference between whole house and between room or interzonal air exchange rate. Very useful for modeling
Residential inter zonal ventilation rate[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]

EPA iSVOC Software

EPA_iSVOC zip file
EPA semi-volatile organic compounds modeling tool
Compressed archive in ZIP format [4.1 MB]

 SRA Presentation on Matching Occupational Exposure Limits to Exposure Duration 

Matching OELs to Bolus Exposures (presentation Dec 2015 SRA Arlington, VA)
This is a summary of learning that came out of our DOE project at Hanford in which we forward the hypothesis that bolus exposures have been responsible for the reported acute inhalation effect resulting in worker hospitalization over a period of decades
Jayjock SRA OELs and Bolus Exposures.ppt[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [541.6 KB]

Presentation to the Occupational Health Residents at the University of Pennsylvania

Human Health Risk Assessment Process
A lecture on the general elements, opportunities and realities within the current practices of human health exposure and risk assessment.
RAProcess Penn Lecture 2016.ppt
Microsoft Power Point presentation [4.3 MB]

Completed Report of Hanfrod Tank Vapor Assessment Team

Hanford Tank Vapor Assessment Team
Report of Team findings related to a long standing issue of worker inhalation exposure potential at the Hanford Tank Farms. Detailed analyses and conclusions related to the cause of worker overexposure to vapors.
FINAL 2014-10-30 Hanford TVAT Interim Re[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]

Nanomaterials and Human Health Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment of Benzene with Nanoparticles.
An explication and comparison of the elements of risk assessment as applied to benzene and nanoparticulate showing the challenges presented by the latter.
Overview RA of nanomaterials - Jayjock M[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [292.5 KB]

Modeling Inhalation Risk from Spilled Solvent

Modeled Comparisons of Health Risks Posed by Fluorinated Solvents in a Workplace Spill Scenario
Open Access paper published in the Annals of Occupational Hygiene. It is an experimental study demonstrating how available physical-chemical models can evaluate potential chemical exposure and risk.
meq062 full publication copy.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [800.0 KB]

Complete Report of Workshop Outline Research Needs relative to Sources  in Exposure Modeling

EU 2005 Workshop on Sources for Modeling Human Exposure to Chemicals
The report summarizes all of the research recommendations from a select panel of experts from the EU, North American and the Far East.
Global CEM Net Workshop 2 SOURCES.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.0 MB]

Daubert Criteria as Applied to Chemical Exposure Modeling

2 Zone Exposure Model compared to Daubert Requirements
A point-by-point comparison of the 2-zone model and its conformance to Daubert legal criteria.
Jayjock Slides Daubert Webinar Feb 8 201[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [1.4 MB]


Compressed archive in ZIP format [1.7 MB]